We Don’t Discuss White Supremacists Nearly Enough

Dash The Bomber
8 min readMar 18, 2021


It’s hard to believe how far humans have come along. From those first steps out of the primordial ooze to eventually reaching the moon, it’s incredible to see how humanity has developed. Which begs the question, how are we still caught up in our tribalistic behavior? How have some people not evolved past seeing the color of their skin? And why is it that we still tolerate people who discriminate against others for their racial traits? More importantly, why do we ignore the racist institutions and systemic racism that permeates our country? And why is it that despite politicians claiming to make America great, all they’re doing is stoking racial tensions?

The United States of America is an unusual country. On one end, it is one of the wealthiest countries in the world; and home to some of the most influential people on the planet. Yet, on the opposite side of the spectrum, it has some of the worst abject poverty on Earth. With people who can barely afford to have their basic needs met without taking on multiple jobs, plus donating plasma. Add to the mix an ever-shrinking middle class, and it becomes clear how America is a Tale of Two Cities. Because the deeper you look at recent events, the more transparent it is that one particular group has reaped most of the wealth.

But, we’re not here to discuss the ramifications of poverty within minority groups. Or talk about the lack of wealth distribution due to a system that rewards already affluent people with tax havens and bonuses. Don’t even get me started on how Black and Hispanics are 28% of our population; yet, they somehow make up 38% of the poorest groups here. No, we’re here to discuss how close to a million people in the United States share the idea that somehow Caucasians are better than everyone else. Plus, the analysis of a system built around giving them silent but present advantages has encouraged that mindset. Additionally, we’re here to highlight how ridiculous having such an opinion makes a person and how they’re worthless pieces of shit. Ultimately, though, we seek to answer the question, why don’t we talk about them nearly enough?

White supremacists, or, as I sometimes call them, the scum of the Earth, are one subset of the dominant race in the United States, Caucasians. 60% of the U.S. population belongs to this group. Yet, numbers alone are meaningless; who cares if there are more of them than anyone else, right? Except, it does matter, as those statistics imply they have higher percentages of people in power. One example of this claim are our Senate and House of Representatives. Despite representing a country whose minorities attribute 40% of the population, our Congress is overwhelmingly Caucasian. Also, nearly every single president in the U.S. has been white. This unequal representation has provided a specific ethnicity an overwhelming sense of security, power, and other intangible benefits. Sadly, most people go about their lives without giving their privileges a second thought. White supremacists, however, are terrified of losing these perks. They’re worried that the moment the balance of power shifts, they will lose their status as the dominant race. Instead of seeing it as a positive shift towards equality in society, they see it as a threat. They don’t want to share their privilege, and it scares them to think that someone of a “lesser” race can partake in it. For those reasons, white supremacists aren’t only selfish assholes; they’re also undoubtedly cowards.

However, their fear is not unwarranted. These burning tire heaps of human trash recognize how badly they’ve mistreated other people. They fear that if minorities gain power, they will subject them to the same mistreatment. It’s why you get idiots screaming, “Jews will not replace us” while wielding torches in Charlottesville, Virginia. It’s why you have morons worried about “Mexicans stealing their jobs” when these immigrants are victims of a system that abuses them as underpaid labor right here within the United States. It’s a power struggle between those who have it and those who don’t, and anything that tips the scales is the enemy. White supremacists operate similarly to a dictator who understands that the moment he loosens his grip on his subjects, they’ll turn on him. What’s worse is that these people might not even wield any real power. White supremacists can come from any position in life, and that has everything to do with perspective.

Even the poorest white supremacists in the U.S. thinks they’re above the most impoverished minority. It might seem candid, but it’s true. In America, many white people (the least supreme kind specifically) seem to consider themselves only temporarily poor. They’re struggling because they haven’t hit their lucky break yet. However, they recognize the inherent advantages that their skin color provides them, and it gives them a sense of superiority over other people that produce more melanin. Alternatively, minorities in their position are deemed lazy and undeserving of wealth; they’re only poor because they’re not working hard enough. They label them as criminals and rapists that don’t understand how the system works and want to abuse it by getting handouts. The delusions of white supremacists go as far as ignoring factual data such as the fact that welfare recipients in the States are 40% Caucasian. But, they’re not lazy, just unfortunate. Because in their mind, if it’s white, it’s right. But, if it’s brown, flush it down. It’s a feedback loop that feeds into their herd mentality, creating an us versus them mindset. A thought process exacerbated by the places where most white supremacists live, rural America.

Chart by the Southern Poverty Law Center all rights reserved by them

The southern states tend to have a majority of hate groups in the United States. I’m not exaggerating either, the Southern Poverty Law Center has a nice chart demonstrating the concentration of hate groups by color. Don’t be surprised if you notice that it’s the former Confederacy states. Hate lives strong in these places, and for some key reasons. Those areas held the majority of freed slaves when slavery became illegal. Instead of trying to integrate the newly free into their society, they became highly segregated. In these places, minorities were only allowed to work in specific fields, live in designated “black” areas, were treated as second-class citizens, and were terrorized by hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. It wasn’t like they could go anywhere, the Jim Crow era lasted an unfortunate amount of time, and segregation still lives on in different ways. Minorities couldn’t drink from the same water fountain, go to the same bathrooms, parks, or even diners as white people. However, the south had it the worst. At least in the North, you wouldn’t find a burning cross in your yard and a bunch of moronic hooded cosplayers pretending to be ghosts. Yet, while those days are (mostly) gone now, somehow their roots remain.

White people in the south still tend to live in highly segregated communities. Black neighborhoods tend to have bad reputations. Lord forbid if a person of color decides to migrate to a “white community” as the people there will be wary of their new neighbors. You don’t have to take my word for it either, instead take a look at Ahmaud Arbery’s murder in 2020.

Arbery’s death happened because two white individuals thought he looked like a suspect from a previous crime. Yet, the only thing they could say was that he was black. According to the New York Times, the neighborhood likes to cast wary eyes towards people of color. His death was nothing short of a hate crime, one that happened because he was an African American running in a white neighborhood. The worst part is people defended his attackers by claiming he (Ahmaud) went on the offensive first. Ignoring that at 25, he was a scared young man capable of making rash decisions while under pressure; and that being held at gunpoint when you didn’t do anything by strange people is terrifying.

White supremacists then proceeded to find a picture of Arbery’s previous criminal record, crimes for which he had already paid his dues, to paint him as a thug rather than a victim. And it isn’t a coincidence either, as that tactic is all too familiar because it works. They shift the discussion away from the perpetrators and focus it on the prior mistakes of the victims. By doing so, they give ammunition to racists for defending their actions. It isn’t a tragedy anymore; it’s justice because that person was a criminal and deserved death. The same thing they did to George Floyd and Breonna Taylor for her affiliations with a previous boyfriend. Victim blaming is a favorite tactic of the oppressors.

It’s why immigrants are such an easy target for dictators like in China and Nazi Germany. They can’t defend themselves, and despite being victims of oppressive regimes, minorities are somehow the ones causing all the problems. Thankfully, we don’t live in those countries, not in the United States; we never blame immigrants for our woes.

At this point, you might be asking yourself, holy crap, if they’re such a problem, why don’t we talk about them more? Well, it’s a complex web of reasons rather than a simple one. For starters, Caucasians are the majority, and they’re not going to want airing their dirty laundry. Also, white supremacists make up 5% of the population of Caucasians in the United States, and some of them are wealthy/powerful individuals. A few of these people control the media we see and read every day. I mean, Tucker Carson is the most viewed show in the U.S. and he loves to spew bile ideas regarding concepts such as a “great replacement” all too often. But, does that make him a white supremacists? I don’t know, and I can’t say, I mean I’m just asking a question? Certainly his audience is filled with white supremacists, but just because they listen to his every word does not make Tucker one of them. Right? I’m not sure anymore.

White supremacists as I said before like to hide behind masks for their activities. You won’t usually find white supremacists openly advertising themselves as such. They understand it’s shameful and that they’re on the wrong side of history. But, the fear of losing their position in the totem pole pushes them towards hate. Because if someone they deem lesser than them dares to go above them, they’re doing something illegal, wrong, or worse, not following the rules of the land. We need to open the door and smoke these assholes out of our country. I would willingly take any immigrant who wants a better life than some worthless piece of shit who thinks their skin color makes them superior to others.

White supremacists are cowardly opportunists who seek to keep us trapped in the past. They don’t want progress, and I think it’s about time we smoked them out of their hiding hole. The topic of white supremacy should be one that we should discuss openly, but only if our goal is to figure out how to destroy it. And until we do, I’m afraid that white supremacists will keep invading the police and murdering innocent minorities. They’ll also keep pushing an agenda that favors them and their people instead of helping us become an egalitarian society. But, even worse is that as long as white people keep ignoring their existence, we’ll never see any progress. Why would they ignore them, you say? Because their ideology indirectly helps Caucasians, so even if they’re not racist themselves, why not sit happily reaping the benefits without lifting a single finger?

Remember that the only thing a bad guy needs to win, is for good guys to not say or do anything.



Dash The Bomber
Dash The Bomber

Written by Dash The Bomber

A Puerto Rican father, sailor, writer with a penchant for life, I base my stories on personal experiences and a jaded outlook in life. Follow me on Twitter & FB

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